Thursday, August 31, 2006

Welcome to the Freelance Finance Network

Many of the most interesting people I came across in eight years of writing and editing magazines for finance directors were freelancers of some sort. Interim managers, portfolio FDs, turnaround FDs and other company doctors, FDs who'd gone plural - basically, guys who've broken out of the comfort zone afforded by a long-term contract and are applying financial management disciplines in a variety of places.

I'm planning to start catering for this large and growing community of people - and this blog is my toe in the water. I'm still writing for magazines and offering conference services and consultancy to a number of different organisations. But this, I hope, will be the beginning of something more significant for a group of "creative accountants" (in the good sense) out there.


email me on richard[dot]young[at] if you'd like to be notified when the site starts to take off.